plugins { // Apply the shared build logic from a convention plugin. // The shared code is located in `buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/kotlin-jvm.gradle.kts`. id("buildsrc.convention.kotlin-jvm") alias(libs.plugins.tempolin) id("") version "2.0.2" // Apply the Application plugin to add support for building an executable JVM application. application } dependencies { implementation("") // implementation("org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc:") implementation("com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.18.2") implementation("com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-kotlin:2.18.+") implementation(libs.slf4jsimple) implementation(libs.javalin) implementation(libs.commonsText) implementation(project(":core")) testImplementation(kotlin("test")) } application { // Define the Fully Qualified Name for the application main class // (Note that Kotlin compiles `App.kt` to a class with FQN ``.) mainClass = "net.h34t.filemure.ServerKt" } sourceSets { main { kotlin { // include the generated source files srcDir("${layout.buildDirectory.get()}/generated-sources/tempolin") } } } tasks.getByName("compileKotlin") { dependsOn("tempolin") } tempolin { add { // place all templates in this directory // subdirectories become packages templateDirectory = "$projectDir/src/main/tpl" // output directory for the generated templates outputDirectory = "${layout.buildDirectory.get()}/generated-sources/tempolin" // currently, there's only the "kotlin" generator // optional, default is "kotlin" compilationTarget = "kotlin" // an optional input file filter fileFilter = { file -> file.extension == "html" } // set the name and package of the template interface // defaults to "net.h34t.TempolinTemplate" templateInterface = "net.h34t.filemure.Template" } } sqldelight { databases { create("Database") { packageName.set("net.h34t.filemure.db") } } }