# Filemure

Filemure is a simple document management application.

It supports:

* uploading of files
* tagging
* search
* download / export


* create document from files in limbo
* display documents list
* display document details
* display files
    * in limbo
    * in document
* add files to documents
* edit document data
* parse document contents (for pdf, txt, ...)
* guess target date from filenames
* move documents to trash
* delete documents + files
* delete files in limbo

## Build

This project uses [Gradle](https://gradle.org/).
To build and run the application, use the *Gradle* tool window by clicking the Gradle icon in the right-hand toolbar,
or run it directly from the terminal:

* Run `./gradlew run` to build and run the application.
* Run `./gradlew build` to only build the application.
* Run `./gradlew check` to run all checks, including tests.
* Run `./gradlew clean` to clean all build outputs.

Note the usage of the Gradle Wrapper (`./gradlew`).
This is the suggested way to use Gradle in production projects.

[Learn more about the Gradle Wrapper](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/gradle_wrapper.html).

[Learn more about Gradle tasks](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/command_line_interface.html#common_tasks).

This project follows the suggested multi-module setup and consists of the `app` and `utils` subprojects.
The shared build logic was extracted to a convention plugin located in `buildSrc`.

This project uses a version catalog (see `gradle/libs.versions.toml`) to declare and version dependencies
and both a build cache and a configuration cache (see `gradle.properties`).